Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Update on Sony Ericsson Satio

I have now had the Sony Ericsson Satio now for a few months. I must admit, to me it is more of a camera and a video camera than a phone. I have bought a leather cover for it, and I feel I have everything I need in one pocket. I cannot remember the last time I used my other cameras. All you need is a good internet connection like Vodafone, and with Picassa and YouTube you can take and put it away neatly.

The fact that I can have four different browsers in it is nice. The best one is Skyfire, then Opera 10, then Bolt. The one Sony has only works when the phone starts. Once the cache is filled, it stops.

The software that Sony provide can be confusing, but the free copy of photoshop lite is nice. I usually send the photos via email but synching is good too. Contacts can be synched with Funambol or Roadsync (which asks for money after a while). Google sync does not have this version for Symbian still. Sony do provide OTA synching but it does not put the inbox above the other folders.

The only thing that Sony should have put in would be a tracker ball to be able to scroll around the pages without using ones fingers. Otherwise the menus are great. I love the fact that the centre button will tell you which programs are running. By far the best app is Snaptu.

Oh boy, everyone will have to upgrade their PCs

This piece of Cisco news tells you a lot. TV is out. Internet TV will rule. We will all be TV producers, as everyone will upload great stuff for all to see. Gone are newspapers, and normal TVs. Yippeee! Better save up for all the new gadgets to deal with this new system.

in reference to:

"Well in Cisco terms, the router will be able to provide download speeds of 1 Gigabit per second for everyone in San Francisco, download the entire printed collection of the Library of Congress in 1 second and stream every movie ever created in less than 4 minutes."
- Cisco unveils ultra-fast Internet technology - Mar. 9, 2010 (view on Google Sidewiki)